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Legal and Psychological Support

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Health Right Association provides free legal and psychological counseling support with its lawyers and psychologists who are experts in violations of the right to health.

If you believe you have experienced or witnessed a violation, please contact us and seek help from our experts.​

By filling out the form above, you can tell us about the situation you encountered in detail and share documents. You can make an appointment or contact our call center to communicate with us via the buttons below.

You can get information on patient rights and healthcare worker rights, and request free support in the face of violations of the right to health.

Note: The legal support service we provide is carried out by lawyers working within the association and is subject to the provisions of the Attorneyship Law and AAÜT.

Frequently asked Questions:

Below you can find the questions and answers you frequently ask us through our call center.

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Health Right Association works for institutions and individuals through advocacy, awareness, and capacity building on health rights and health literacy.

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